Vernonia Municipal Code
The laws and guiding documents of the City of Vernonia.
City Charter
We, the people of Vernonia, Oregon, in order to avail ourselves of self-determination in municipal affairs to the fullest extent now or hereafter possible under the constitutions and laws of the United States and the State of Oregon, through this charter confer upon the City the following powers…
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Legislation enacted by Vernonia City Council. Ordinances as municipal statues are the permanent rule of law duly enacted to address matters not already covered by federal or state law.
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The formal expression of the opinion and will of Vernonia City Council. Resolutions are less formal than ordinances; being enacted concerning a particular item of municipal business.
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Title 3 - Public Protection
Codified public protection ordinances of the City of Vernonia.
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Title 9 - Land Use and Development
Codified land use ordinances of the City of Vernonia.
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Rules and Regulations
The regulations and principles governing particular activities of the City enacted by Vernonia City Council through a Resolution.
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Standard Operating Procedures
Step-by-step instructions compiled by the City to help Staff carry out routine operations effectively.